Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bear Underwear

Yes, that's right, they have underwear for Teddy Bears at your local Build a Bear Workshop. We held out for a long time, but we have now been indoctrinated into Build a Bear world, thanks to our good friends who hosted their children's birthday party there today. I have to admit, it is easy to get sucked in. Even I wanted to buy one of the cute sparkly purses for one of the bears, but neither Richie or Will would go for it. We are happy to welcome both chocolate colored bears, Cheetah (Richie's) and Brownie (Will's) to the family!

After the bear building we headed to our favorite local Mexican Restaurant (ironically it was also Cinco de Mayo). And when I say we, I mean all 30 of us (half the group being under the age of 7). There are really no words to describe the chaos that ensued...salsa dripping, chips obliterating, and drinks flying. And that was just at the adult side of the table!

But seriously, fun was had by all! Much love to the birthday boy and girl!


Janelle said...

Someone, somewhere will Google the phrase "bear underwear" and come up with your blog! You are right, there are no words to describe eating with 14 kids all under age 7.

Queen Dixie said...

The real question is . . . did your kids have fun?? That's what is important about yesterday. I know my kids (the birthday kids) really had fun and their 3 stage party. Thanks for to all the participants!! We love you all. When I asked Bear what his favorite part was, he said,"The whole thing - being with my buddies at my favorite places!" That's what it's all about!!