Saturday, March 1, 2008

I have (Fill in the Blank) itis

Remember Senioritis? The last few months (let's be honest for some of us it was much longer) of high school or college when you just didn't care anymore?

Is there a point in your life when this hits again? Say when your 33, a housewife, and stay at home Mom? I wish I could pinpoint and say that it is laundryitis, cookingitis, bathing the childrenitis, cleaning the showeritis, packing the backpackitis, returning the emailitis, shopping for groceriesitis and dare I say even a little bloggingitis? But it is all encompassing. I just have no motivation these days and if it is possible I might even have Itisitis. Because I just don't really even care about the Itises either. Or should it be Itii (as in plural of itis or many itis).

Heaven help me, apparently I have grammar-itis as well.


Unknown said...

At least you dont have Lost Sense Of Humoritis!

I, personally think it is Winterstayinthehouseallthetimeitis
It is certainly what I am suffering from, that and shootIhavetogotoworkitis.

Take care friend!

His Girl said...

oh, i think i have it too! is it contagious?

Xandra@Heart-of-Service said...

Praise the Lord and pass the peas, there's a name for it! I've often wondered what my condition was when I felt that way.

I wish I had some really great advice for treatment, but it always seems to just go away on it's own. At least you know it's not a chronic condition!


Leah said...

If you find something that helps the Itii, would you send me some? Please, I beg you!! I've been dealing with this for the last several months. Maybe it's what Ter (above) calls it. If that's the case, then it may soon be over for me as I see one small patch of non-snow-covered ground today!! =)

Shelley said...

I have some Itisitis today too. As I enjoyed the sunshine and the beautiful day, the dark thoughts of yet another cold and snowy week loomed large in my mind. It's coming. I wanted to raise my hands against the winds and push the cold front away. If only I could do that. I think also, that I'm feeling a bit melencholy about my birthday this week. I just feel blah. Blah, blah, blah. Oh how I want SPRING!

Jenny said...

Mine is winterinminnesotaitis. It feels terminal. :)

Anonymous said...

Could it be possible that a girls night is needed once a week?

I have been having some itis issues too.

Rochelle said...

I have itis myself. I have senioritis at school. Cleanitis at home. And to be quite honest... I have just plain ole everythingITIS. Whew... now that I know what it is, I'll just take two asprin and sleep it off. :)

Heather said...

Right there with you. I thought it was pregnancy related but since you are not and you have it to, I guess I can't blame being preggers :)

michelle said...

You have read my mind Alana! I've been feeling the same way. Maybe we need a skip day! :)

Earen said...

Oh girl...we should start a club! We should go on a cruise...

Janelle said...

I have grownupitis and responsibilityitus.

Kenna Sue said...

I think we all have the _____itis at some point or another. Just weather through it as best you can. I find that I have the ____itis on occasion, sometimes bordering on the bitter because I feel so alone at those times because I AM so alone. It's then that I find myself making the effort to be thankful for all the things in my life, and also for NOT being satisfied at how things are. Shouldn't we always strive for the better? It's sort of like achieving all of one's major life goals, but having no plan for after they're achieved. My dream when I was younger? To be a good wife and mother. I'm succeeding at one, but failed miserably at the other for reasons I still try to figure out. When that happened, I had to take a really hard look at myself, figure out who I am, what I want in life. So, upon discovering myself again, I've been able to dream of new goals, and work at accomplishing them.

Perhaps this ____itis that we cannot name should be Identity-itis? When we're young, we have a very keen idea of who we are. Then we become a wife, change our name, change ourselves to suit a husband. Then we become a mother, and our name changes yet again, and we're suddenly changing to suit a child who cannot fend for itself. So who are we when we wake up one day, feeling a generalized dissatisfaction, and ask, "Who am I? What do I want out of life? Why am I even here?", etc. Identity-itis. That's what it is. Well, I can't tell you who you are, or who anyone else is, or what anyone wants out of life. But I CAN tell you why we're here: to praise and serve God and give Him glory. That's it. Once I had that fact secured in my heart and in my mind, life just seems a little more bearable... those _____itises (or itii) are fewer and farther between, too.

Good grief. This isn't a comment. It's a ramble. It's a blog post. Gee whiz. Sorry! Sermon over.

Tiffany said...

I think it's going around girl, cause I have it too. My weekend has been one big itii blah! Glad I'm not the only one! I'm w/ Earen and Michelle, we need a skip day or possibly a cruise.

Sarah Markley said...

I'm for the vacation too. I think a trip to Hawaii might cure all the -itises...Itisii? Like cacti?

Anyway, I have picking-up-tiny-toys-itis. I know its specific, but its a problem in this house. =)

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said... just have got to go to Annie's Eyes and see today's post of the chair if you have excercise-itis. What does itis mean anyway? Is it Latin---ask your husband, he'll know because of his brain not experience.

Fran said...

I have it too. Whats the cure???
Go to the warm beach with your girlfriends for a week maybe?? Let me know if you hear of a remedy!

BethAnne said...

I like to call it Spring Fever and sister it has hit me big time!!!!

Renee said...

Oh Alana, you are SO not alone in your itis-ness. It looks like there's an epidemic going around!

I've been telling Andy every morning for the last week that I just feel bleh. Bleh. Just kind of tired of everything. And what a yucky way to feel. I really have so much to be happy about, but I'm just going through the motions right now, and finding myself wishing for warm weather, sunshine, and moments to myself.

It's raining here today. And I'm SOOO happy that it's warm enough to rain. Imagine being happy about a rainy, cloudy day!!

Teresa said...

Itis's UNITE!! :) Wish we could lament our itii together!! :)

Carissa said...

i know what my "itis" was yesterday and it wasn't pretty. but, that is not a story for a blog comment, that is a story for a cup of coffee and some visiting. maybe we should get that on the calendar!!! hope your "itis" feel better right are THE BEST!

Short Stop said...

LOL!! Teresa's comment said it perfectly! :)

Pam said...

Alana you are so creative and fun!! You definetly don't have make-others-smile-itis!!! :)

Jamie said...

I think my itis is probably the most selfish one. I have being-needed-by-everyone-itis and maybe who's-gonna-take-care-of-me-itis. I am all for a vacation of some sort or atleast a girls night out.

Anonymous said...

I have had this lately too! It hits me at the end of every winter. Usually the spring revitalizes me some. I hope so because I need it!

Sara at Miller Moments: said...

Kindermusik? Still involved?

I hear ya - it's the "stop with the weather changes and just pick a season, darn it!" Itis! :)

Love you!

Darlene R. said...

Okay woman, you have lots of comments on this one!

Even after spending time in the sun, the winter blues are here in a big way! We're getting ice and snow as I type. sigh. It seems like we get hit with whatever you guys get, only a couple days later.

I got my itunes card, thank you very much for that!
I am SO behind on my blogs!

Hope your everythingitis goes away soon. It sounds like spring would be the best medicine!

Mrs. Gray's Class said...

I've just been calling it cabin fever, but I like your description much better. At least it doesn't itch . . .

Anonymous said...

Calgon take her away!

Motherhood tends to ebb and flow like that. Especially after sickness like you all have had.

Go to Jesus and be refreshed again! I'll be praying for you dear friend! Grace to you.

Rest too----pull out those CD's you bought and rest in Him.

Growin' with it said...

I'm new to your blog through His Girl....and oh my on a day that you have the "ITIS"? Hope you find a cure soon, my suggestion is good ol' chocolateitis!

Jennifer said...

Hi there
I stumbled upon your blog through Lauren @ Baseballs and Bows.

I, too, am a 30ish SAHM with 2 boys ages 4 and 8. I go through the notmotivateditis some days too.
I have discovered that this Blogging stuff is great to lift your mood.
It's nice to peek into other Mommy's lives and see what they share some of the same trials as I do from day to day.

I enjoyed reading your blog.
I will bookmark your site and visit again.

From TN

Sing4joy said...

WOW. Alana - You have got the world wide web fired up with this one! I have the sotiredIcan'twanttodoanythingbutsleepitis. This may be the African strain of it - not sure. RX - Melatonin(sunshine is the best for this) and worship. Matter of fact, going there now. Grabbing my guitar and hitting the front porch. Neighbors beware. I would love to see you there. You're a musician - come on and join me.

Paula said...

How did I get here?? Baseball and Bows. GladI did. I beleive I have this problem too many days. You think there is a "magic" pill to cure it? Nah....that is too easy. I guess we just pray God for do over days!!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

How bout throwing in winteritus to the list.


Shari said...

I get homeschoolitis this time every year. Fortunately, my girls are motivated this year and anxious to get their school work finished.