...or at least since the last time I attempted the big D. You know that nasty little, HORRIBLE LITTLE, NO GOOD WORD?
Ick. It makes cringe just looking at it. By the way, if you are "one of those people" who have never experienced said word, you can just scoot on out of here and eat a twinkie or something because this post is not for you. No offense, but just a tad bit of bitterness. Sorry.
SO. I've been on "the D word" for a week now and can I just say UGH? Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh. And one more UGH in caps and bold just for emphasis. Thank you.
Sorry, where was I going with this? Oh, yes, I've been on the Big D for a week now and it seriously does seem like it has been SO MUCH LONGER. You see, I am no stranger to "the D word". I have struggled with my weight pretty much all my life and mostly I've lost, not weight, unfortunately, the battle. There have been a few brief (and glorious times) in my life that I have gained the upper hand, but mostly I've just struggled. Not trying to turn this into a sob story or anything, I'm just giving you a little history. To quote the older lady I met in the grocery store line yesterday as we were chatting about parenting, "Let's just say, I know how the game is played.". Isn't that a classic quote? I think it will be permanently added to my repertoire.
I know you all are hoping I get to the point sometime soon. Trouble is I'm not sure I have one. And I'm pretty certain I can't tie this up in a pretty little bow. I'd love to say that I'm super excited about this "lifestyle change" and that I'm feeling so much better with all this "healthy eating", and promise to update you with my progress each week. But it just doesn't work that way for me. As much as I want to be one of those people eating twinkies right now, just as I slide into my size small jeans, I'm just not. It's a strenuous daily battle...mentally, physically, and spiritually. Wow. Look at that. Somewhere among all this rambling, I've stumbled upon the TRUTH. This is an area of my life I have yet to find victory in. A serious stronghold. No, it is not news to me, I guess I just forget sometimes. I know I am not alone in this. So maybe this is where I can draw back in you skinny twinkie eaters (if you didn't heed my warning and run far, far away). Chances are you have another stronghold you are longing to be free from. It's just different from mine. And I can respect that. I guess we're all in this together after all.
So. Tell me. Where do we go from here?