

Is there anything better than that? I just don't know if there is. Don't you just love the contrast in these photos? I mean the first one is dark and dreary and the second one is bright and cheery. Best part is, I didn't do any fancy tricks with the lighting. It just is what it is. You know? Of course, I am not showing you the other side of the closet that has two baskets of towels, but towels don't count, right? Okay, okay...I'm workin' on it!
*Disclaimer: I did not do this in one day. Baby steps, I tell ya!
very impressive!!!!! and i mean that!
Can you come tackle mine???? Pretty please with sugar on top?
a collective...AAAAAH...
I thought the 'hood had that laundry fresh smell permeating the streets.
aah! feels good doesn't it.
now i must go fold the basket waiting for me....
GIRL! You weren't kidding when you said you were catching up! Awesome!
did you hide it?!?
You go girl!
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